Now girls know their rights
Lessons from an intervention on child marriage and female genital mutilation in Mara Region, Tanzania
Lessons from an intervention on child marriage and female genital mutilation in Mara Region, Tanzania
A Rapid PEER Study Exploring Migrant Communities’ Views on Female Genital Mutilation in Essex and Norfolk, UK
“Men have a role to play but they don’t play it ”: A mixed methods study exploring men’s involvement in Female Genital Mutilation in Belgium, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom
FORWARD works on girls and women's rights in Tanzania. From one of our partnership projects with child mothers (with Children's Dignity Forum): the young women in this video have all endured child marriage, FGM and/or forced teenage pregnancy. Here they tell their own stories in their own words.
End FGM Network Guidelines for Civil Society
Participatory Ethnographic Evaluation and Research on Female Genital Mutilation in Freetown, Sierra Leone
Learn the choreography to our flashmob which is taking place on Tuesday 25th November at 7pm.
'The True Story of Ghati and Rhobi' is a five minute animated film aimed at raising awareness of female genital mutilation (FGM). It tells the inspirational story of two girls (Ghati and Rhobi) resisting their community’s practice of FGM. They show courage by saying no to a practice that they heard would be painful and that some girls die from. With the help of community elders, they change the way their community treats a girl’s transition into womanhood by ending the practice.
'My Body My Rules' is a three minute animated film aimed at raising awareness of female genital mutilation (FGM) amongst primary school aged children in the UK. Developed by FORWARD and Animage Films.
A Youth and School Resource
'Whatever you call it, FGM is harmful and illegal in the UK'
30 Years Championing Rights of African Women and Girls