‘Sikujua Ni Kwa Namna Gani Nilipata Mimba’ Swahili Summary Report
Utafiti Shirikishi kuhusu Mimba na Kuwa Mama katika umri mdogo uliofanywa Wilaya ya Mpwapwa, Tanzania
Utafiti Shirikishi kuhusu Mimba na Kuwa Mama katika umri mdogo uliofanywa Wilaya ya Mpwapwa, Tanzania
Ntiai Eembe Koko is sung in Maasai meaning “Drop the razor blade, old lady,” the song is being launched by FORWARD’s Musicians Unite to End FGM (MUTEFGM) project.
Participatory Study on Teenage Pregnancy and Child Motherhood in Mpwapwa District, Tanzania
Participatory Study on Teenage Pregnancy and Child Motherhood in Mpwapwa District, Tanzania
The key drivers of child marriage in Tanzania are multifaceted and vary across regions and ethnic groups. This study finds the following drivers of child marriage in Tanzania: income poverty, specific sociocultural norms related to marriage, agency and choice, adolescent fertility, gender inequality and control of female sexuality, and weak legal and policy frameworks.
Lessons from an intervention on child marriage and female genital mutilation in Mara Region, Tanzania
Voices of Child Brides and Child Mothers in Tanzania: A PEER Report on Child Marriage