Spotlight On FORWARD’s Community Workers – Tigist Wasihun

Spotlight On FORWARD’s Community Workers – Tigist Wasihun

At FORWARD UK, we’re proud to highlight the incredible work of our Community Support Workers, who are at the forefront of the fight in local communities against harmful practices like FGM, child marriage, domestic violence, and other forms of VAWG. Today, we’re shining a light on one of these dedicated individuals whose passion for helping others makes a real impact – Tigist Wasihun.

Through their dedicated work, they connect women and girls with vital resources, from healthcare to legal aid, while also leading workshops that promote awareness and encourage open discussion. Their advocacy and outreach efforts play a key role in driving change, helping to ensure a safer, more empowered future where women and girls can live free from violence and fear, and instead, thrive with confidence and opportunity.

“As a Community Support Worker at FORWARD, I have the privilege of helping people who are affected by harmful practices like Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), child marriage, and gender-based violence. My work is deeply meaningful to me because it allows me to make a real difference in the lives of others. I provide personalized support to our clients, helping them connect with essential services such as healthcare, legal assistance, and counselling. But my role goes beyond just offering support—I also advocate for my clients, ensuring that their voices are heard and their rights are protected.

One of the most rewarding aspects of my job is community engagement. We organize workshops to educate people about the serious dangers of FGM and other forms of violence. These workshops are more than just informative sessions; they are opportunities to engage with communities, encourage open discussions, and challenge harmful beliefs. By partnering with other organizations, we create strong support networks that offer comprehensive assistance to those in need.

The work we do at FORWARD is not just important—it’s essential. We are on the front lines, working to protect the rights and dignity of women and girls who are at risk or have experienced these harmful practices. By empowering communities with knowledge and advocating for policy changes, FORWARD is helping to create safer and more equitable environments. My hope is that through our efforts, we can build a future where women and girls can not only survive but also thrive, free from violence and oppression.”

Tigist Wasihun – FORWARD Community Support Worker