Ending child marriage in East Africa – Conference Report

Ending child marriage in East Africa – Conference Report

From 12-13 June 2013 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, FORWARD, Children’s Dignity Forum and the Tanzania Ending Child Marriage Network organised the East Africa Regional Conference on Child Marriage.

85 participants from 11 countries, namely Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, United Kingdom and Zambia, attended the East Africa Regional Conference on Child Marriage in Dar Es Salaam in Tanzania, which explored the context of child marriage and policy and programme interventions and strategies for addressing child marriage.

The conference participants included girls and young women affected by child marriage, the Minister of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs in Zambia and officials from the government of Tanzania, traditional chiefs, United Nations officials, academics, representatives from Civil Society Organisations, international as well as regional partners.

This conference report covers a summary of the two days, what is being done in East Africa on the issue of child marriage, and explores ways to build partnerships both regionally and internationally.

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