Dr Shuja Shafi, Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain has said:
“We at the MCB are pleased to work with FORWARD to address this very important issue of Female Genital Mutilation. Working closely together we can end this practice and ensure it is no longer linked to the religion of Islam or the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).”
Whilst FORWARD’s Chair, Dr Soheir Elneil states:
“It is with great pleasure that we announce that the MCB and FORWARD has joined forces to launch a timely publication outlining the issues of FGM and Islam. This area of great complexity has hitherto been difficult to address, and this publication goes towards developing a greater understanding about how Islam’s role in FGM is qualified. This is the first time such a publication has been achieved with the full cooperation and support of the relevant parties, and we hope all those working in FGM will find it a helpful tool in the work that they do.”
This resource states that FGM is NON-Islamic and is against the teachings of Islam, that it is putting the health of women and girls at risk and informs the reader of the legal implications in the UK of carrying out the practice.
FORWARD Trustee and Fellow at the Royal Society for Public Health, Dr Yunes Teinaz states:
“FGM is practised contrary to the teachings of Islam and is prohibited in the UK and most EU-countries. Many girls could be saved from their cruel fate, if there was more awareness among the community of the consequences of FGM. Let us make this possible by the joint work of FORWARD, MCB and religious leaders to build awareness about the negative consequences of FGM in the communities. We will continue to welcome any and every opportunity to raise our voices and to campaign against this illicit practice.’’
This resource in the form of a flyer will be widely distributed in mosques, in community centres, through the organisations who developed it and is available online.
Flyers have already been distributed to delegates who attended the Muslim Council of Britain’s Annual General Meeting on 15th June 2014, and arrangements are in hand to send a supply of leaflets to over 500 mosques and community centres.